Sunday, October 02, 2005



Now im experiencing what i want to call "backward growth of the intellect..."

my mind is resisting incoming information. i can hardly learn anything. first it was econ. now everything goes through the selective process of integration of my brain. and the selective process is becoming tighter and tighter. i will not be surprised if i develop dyslexia tomorrow.

i dont want to sound too knowing but i learned nothing from socio10. nothing but how good a sociologist randy david is - something that's almost a universal given in the UP department of sociology. i also learned that pinoys are heavily discriminated abroad (whoa now that is BRAND NEW INFORMATION!!), and that my teacher is such a faux postmodernist.

econ majors are still as alien to me as cisco. i still cant see myself 10 years from now, wearing an ADB coat, talking about Standard & Poor, with a cup of coffee, and sitting atop millions at my thirties.

psych - the only subject i can relate too, doesn't have the spark that it used to have. now it's just a blur. im wondering if psych is still a good course... it's too general. too softcore for medical school, too fancy for law.

I watched d'Anothers yesterday. at the end of the movie was a 4 minute backstage clip. Joross Gamboa talks about fun workshops conducted by Joyce Bernal... He was happy about it.

Geez, how old is he? i had my share of theatrical workshops when i was 12... that was 6 years ago. i even got myself in Cast A of plays directed by Rener Concepcion...

mmm, maybe my intellectual bloom had gone me by. now im in the rotten stage of intellectual decay. geez, it's too early, i haven't even thought of work after college and now this....

haay, too bad. i should have been utilizing college because its... well... essential... to... my future, lah.

well dammit, my degree of knowingness is well above the normal dose for adolescents. but ironically, im not as bright as when i was in high school. i may even be brighter when i was in elementary and preparatory school than now. fuck, what a waste of talent and thoughts. i need some brain tonic. maybe i just need to lubricate the squeaking gears of my brain cells.

on another viewpoint, maybe school is just getting on the way of my education...

oh no no. that would be too arrogant. i still learn from school.

yes. i still learn a lot from school.



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