Saturday, November 19, 2005


bonjour torian! comment ca va?

i now love my tuesdays and fridays. cw10 and french10 keep the linguistic side of my brain pumping...

mr. guerrero so fits cw10 coz he has creativity working for him even in projects outside the classroom. he gave us the assignment last friday and im so excited to get it done. he gave us a list of 10 names:
then he asked us to choose one from those name, and chirsten it with the middle name of our mothers... geez. my mum's middle name was caliwag, and i chose shake because i think he's a funny character (always shaking...). so my character is shake caliwag, haha. then we are to create a friendster account for our character, and we should live their lives. we should design the friendster page to suit the personality of our character, which means we also have to equip it with videos, graphics, and PHOTOS... now who the hell would pose for me to personify shake??

anyhows, after we've made our friendster accounts, we'll form this virtual community of eloise's and ice's and bebe's... cool isnt it?

the french. i know how to count from 1 to 1 million now. yey! i've been teaching myself so i could grasp french easily. talk about hustling hard. i believe that to be conversant in french, i should be exposed to it everyday. good thing channel 74 of sky cable airs a french network.

so that it. some good things to keep me off sad things. im also looking forward to my cwts here at learning links. i was assigned to the materials section, like donna and bong. im looking forward to seeing more of them in the future. especially donna... hehe. bad me.

must haves:
-financial accounting by meigs, williams, haka, and bettner
-mathematical methods in economics and business by R.A. Danao (my prof in econ106)
-stuff to cover my books
-new notebook for econ106
-more short stories for cw10
-more french speaking people for french10
-more music to keep me rocking (im running out of music in the line of nickelback, avril lavigne, creed, dashboard confessional, my chemical romance, and kelly clarkson... tsk tsk tsk)

mmm... i wrote a short story days ago. i posted it in my other blog. that was before prof guerrero taught us not to write Deus ex Machina stories. my story sort of went that way, so i had to put some additions to it to save it from the "trash bin.." well.

uhhh... i guess that it. i have to do some movie marathon again, becos i get depressed if i do nothing. mmmm, i wish somebody texts me or something. i hope nothing's wrong...



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