
Me's back to QC although we'll be heading back to lipa soon. i just dropped by because mum went to Makati to get something for my college educational plan and i went here to check things out, see if our unit is still fit for living... it comes out that it's not that good. the comfort room is brimming with rat poo.. iwk.
i've gots lots of photos in my phone, things i shot over the sembreak. i'll be posting them soon.
my multiply is a "way to go!" i've been updating it lately, and i think it's becoming better and better. my friendster profile is good too. haha. i did it with aizel and danazart around. we checked in at netopia at robinsons place, just to modify our friendster accounts. it turns out mine was the best. lalalalala... hehe. petty things.

and still the gimmick comes down to the three of us. haay, my very best friends.



hey, i'm done with my retainers. dentist said i'd wear them until they break. well, they're both broken now, so, goodbye retainers! mmm, that it. i've got to update the rest of my things...

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