Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Yey! not much work to do since last week. i'm beginning to get bored at work. but well... this is better than staying at home where it can be stifling hot during the dismal hours...

i've been informed that one of my highschool classmates is undergoing an operation of the ovary because she's got a cyst there. see what living in urban areas can do to everyone. disease plagues us. i hope she survives this event unscathed. i don't want to lose a precious.

how many preciouses have i lost anyways?

pretty many...

the list is a never-ending story:
-juelliene j... my pretty heart-faced classmate in La Salle during my freshman year. she's such a good vibe to have inside the classroom. Now she's in Canada.
-edgar is almost a close friend. He's a good-natured guy, now he's in Italy, claiming that he's become a different person, and he's sorry for it.
-paula is the sincerest girl i've known. I thought there'll be some good friendship after high school, but vwala, she migrated to down under. I've never heard much from her since then...

tsk tsk tsk. too bad. i hate goodbyes. guys, no more migrations please.

*dismal hour - dismal attitude*

the start of classes is drawing nearer... i don't feel like going to school right now. i dunno, but the 3 semesters i've been in UP, i've been living a standoff. no spark, no significance, no nothing. i haven't proven to myself yet that UP is the most exciting university there is in the nation. what a waste of time.

i could have gathered as much friends as i had back in lasalle, instead, all i have are acquaintances, a a very small circle of friends. i should have hit on a lot of girls, but well (hopeless case). I should have ran for whatever honors my highly medicated brain could attain, but what did i do? I started college with a blast. A destructive blast. not that glamorous...




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