Happy Day
chem16 partial results released a while ago. so, amid all the sweat, back pains, pungent fumes, and tears (oh yes, tears, chem is a universal depressant you know, well not in a barbiturate kind of way...) i still haven't made it to the excemption.. i haven't even made it to the passing cutoff! fuck. see, chemistry is a killa. but nevertheless, i will do myself some salvation. tomorrow is the finals, and hell yes i will study tonight like there's no more tomorrow. besides, what's a night of torture if the following night i'll be spending gimmick time with friends, watch some movies and whateverthings... yeah. will study.
let's call today the "raging-hormones-in-a-proper-way day." let's see, UP chempav, greenwich, starbucks, who was i with? yieeee! ok so this is where this entry plunges to the nebulous, but whoever knows what im talking about, give me a shoutout! ayan tag-board oh, sa side...
suddenly i feel like im young again, vital, free-thinking, useful, worthy... my new friends are persuading me to join this soccer club called SIKAD, and it got me thinking, im actually looking forward to joining it. lar. will do many things for my newfound friends. it's not everyday that you meet very nice people, people who knows how to appreciate, people who knows one's worth despite his lack on academics or org stuff or whatver.
as the days go by, i find it harder and harder not to hate econ.
hey check this photo out.
let's call today the "raging-hormones-in-a-proper-way day." let's see, UP chempav, greenwich, starbucks, who was i with? yieeee! ok so this is where this entry plunges to the nebulous, but whoever knows what im talking about, give me a shoutout! ayan tag-board oh, sa side...
suddenly i feel like im young again, vital, free-thinking, useful, worthy... my new friends are persuading me to join this soccer club called SIKAD, and it got me thinking, im actually looking forward to joining it. lar. will do many things for my newfound friends. it's not everyday that you meet very nice people, people who knows how to appreciate, people who knows one's worth despite his lack on academics or org stuff or whatver.
as the days go by, i find it harder and harder not to hate econ.
hey check this photo out.

this is the knot i have once talked about. a little swish and a little flicker of the hand, it appeared! and then i cant do it anymore... wala lang. simple pleasures. heaps and heaps of beauty in this world.

-bonne chance-
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