Monday, July 23, 2007

July Annecdotes

went to UP today. like the normal mondays i trod up fast upon the unkempt lawns of the walkway that leads to the college of arts and letters. i was putting my id lace on place in preparation for the sinister guard that mans the college's front gate, missing the gates that were not open at all. the bars were gold, i have noticed for the first time...

"nakasarado yan buong araw, walang klase," says the guard. the next thing i knew i was walking angrily to the jeepney pool area, cursing under my breath why i had to wake up early today, ignorant of the fact that we dont have classes all over the university.

and then i realized - nobody texted me or called. how lame, of me or the world, not being able to tell me there are no classes... what? has communication gone default?

god. how lame. someone should've texted me.

i arrived home dodging my keys on one hand, and three different kinds of meds on the other. one is a very powerful over-the-counter drug, i just realized today. i bought it to decongest my clogged nose. when i popped the yellow pill into my mouth, not more than 15 minutes later, i was groggy and i had to sleep.

i fell into a very deep sleep, something i hadn't experienced ever before. it felt good, a kind of detachment process, when every waking vein in my body simply blacked out and fell into hibernation. terrific, for a person like me who is constantly under the throes of insomnia.

it makes me think, "this is how people get addicted to drugs."

when i woke up, i was thinking of getting myself a coffee fix - a latte. white chocolate based mocha with a splash of raspberry syrup sprinkled with confectionery sugar... hmmm. the deep sleep was good but i had to wake up from it.

three hours later, after watching a very inspiring movie about love (wow, love still exists does it? for a while i was under the impression that love is simply the word that gives slum books a brighter shade of pink.) i went out to cut my hair. "too long and too messy, and it makes my head triangular," i cursed my growing mane of bister-colored hair, and i was every degree happy to go to the coiffeurs.

when i went home, my phone was flooding with about 9 messages already - not a usual occurrence. and then inside my head i was, "how ironic, this morning, i didn't have any message at all..."

and so i got acquainted to the ironies of life again. a very humbling thought.

-late july-


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