27 Units
it's 3am and i have two pages more of the yamazawa article on catching-up product cycles, just one of the many readings i have to understand to pass international economics. hay.
so many things are going on right now. first the council, which is a major source of stress because my marketing contacts seemed to have defaulted altogether. after i faxed each and every one of them a proposal for the brand sale at the end of the month, they all just vanished. "he's on a meeting right now... in tagaytay." "he's on leave, sir..." "he's out-of-town sir, call again next week." i've started thinking maybe there's something wrong the proposals i sent them, i dunno. but man, they always had an excuse for everything.
bhala sila. it's their lost profit naman eh.
i also have sidhi, the school publication, actually the very poor school publication. i was elected co-managing editor so i have to think of a way to raise money so that we could publish two issues per semester (which is equivalent to ... 24k... per semester. grreat.)
if there's one thing that's keeping me excited these days, it's the batch yearbook. see i was appointed the managing editor's position and all i have to do is edit the feature write-ups and help the eic facilitate the activities of the editorial board. so far, the plans for the yearbook are a-ok. it's actually soaring, and based from the healthy number of ideas the edboard come up with, i can say my batchmates will like the yearbook.
i am also currently preoccupied with the batch shirt designing contest. i was thinking the other day, "hey our batch shirts have always been drab if not overly abstract or simply non-existent at all. i thought maybe i should take the initiative to design a marginally better-looking tee. im not really good in fashion and i have not a single unit of credit from the fine arts but i think graphic arts and color palettes make perfect sense to me. so here it is:

it's not much, but i think it's better than the past years' designs. and i spent a lot of thinking for this, just so you know i didnt rush this through the weekend or whatever... it's a product of a very long creative, assimilative, and deductive thinking process...
so vote for my designs, please. i could afford having the gift certificates.
and then everything boils back down again to my acads, especially international econ. man, this is graphing to the core. we're merely approaching midsem and we already have a helluva lot of theories and models to keep up with. all with weird sounding names. hecksher-olin model, the ricardian theory, stolper's model of mind-boggling factor proportion sequences, fuck. i dont even remember what they are about.
buti na lang, i have classmates who are willing to do study groups with me. see that's rare. unlike in lasalle or ateneo or any other school, study groups are very uncommon in UP (mainly because we do not follow the blocking scheme, so most of us study independently).
hay. i think i have to sleep.
ps. i just had a very weird "displacement" experience the other day. i remember i was so tired and hungry that i simply crashed on the bed and fell asleep. when i woke up, guess what, im in gateway! yeah! as in gateway mall. scary noh? its freaking me everytime i think about it, you know how i got there, why i didnt have the slightest of memory how i got there. yyyy it's scary. good thing nothing bad happened to me. well my point is, we should not let stress take over our systems. we should try to relax and cut ourselves some slack sometimes otherwise, weird things will happen...
so many things are going on right now. first the council, which is a major source of stress because my marketing contacts seemed to have defaulted altogether. after i faxed each and every one of them a proposal for the brand sale at the end of the month, they all just vanished. "he's on a meeting right now... in tagaytay." "he's on leave, sir..." "he's out-of-town sir, call again next week." i've started thinking maybe there's something wrong the proposals i sent them, i dunno. but man, they always had an excuse for everything.
bhala sila. it's their lost profit naman eh.
i also have sidhi, the school publication, actually the very poor school publication. i was elected co-managing editor so i have to think of a way to raise money so that we could publish two issues per semester (which is equivalent to ... 24k... per semester. grreat.)
if there's one thing that's keeping me excited these days, it's the batch yearbook. see i was appointed the managing editor's position and all i have to do is edit the feature write-ups and help the eic facilitate the activities of the editorial board. so far, the plans for the yearbook are a-ok. it's actually soaring, and based from the healthy number of ideas the edboard come up with, i can say my batchmates will like the yearbook.
i am also currently preoccupied with the batch shirt designing contest. i was thinking the other day, "hey our batch shirts have always been drab if not overly abstract or simply non-existent at all. i thought maybe i should take the initiative to design a marginally better-looking tee. im not really good in fashion and i have not a single unit of credit from the fine arts but i think graphic arts and color palettes make perfect sense to me. so here it is:

it's not much, but i think it's better than the past years' designs. and i spent a lot of thinking for this, just so you know i didnt rush this through the weekend or whatever... it's a product of a very long creative, assimilative, and deductive thinking process...
so vote for my designs, please. i could afford having the gift certificates.
and then everything boils back down again to my acads, especially international econ. man, this is graphing to the core. we're merely approaching midsem and we already have a helluva lot of theories and models to keep up with. all with weird sounding names. hecksher-olin model, the ricardian theory, stolper's model of mind-boggling factor proportion sequences, fuck. i dont even remember what they are about.
buti na lang, i have classmates who are willing to do study groups with me. see that's rare. unlike in lasalle or ateneo or any other school, study groups are very uncommon in UP (mainly because we do not follow the blocking scheme, so most of us study independently).
hay. i think i have to sleep.
ps. i just had a very weird "displacement" experience the other day. i remember i was so tired and hungry that i simply crashed on the bed and fell asleep. when i woke up, guess what, im in gateway! yeah! as in gateway mall. scary noh? its freaking me everytime i think about it, you know how i got there, why i didnt have the slightest of memory how i got there. yyyy it's scary. good thing nothing bad happened to me. well my point is, we should not let stress take over our systems. we should try to relax and cut ourselves some slack sometimes otherwise, weird things will happen...
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