Friday, November 05, 2010

Five Munches Worth of Goodies for the Hearty Eater

today, i got 5 pieces of calamay goodies from ilocos from an acquaintance at work. READ: ACQUAINTANCE... not even my friend or anything.

how thoughtful yeah? come to think of it, it's not everyday that I receive anything from a half-stranger, something that i really enjoyed getting (or eating for that matter)... hmmm.

they say the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. wala naisip ko lang.

calamay goodies! goody goody goo! you flip and you flap, and you twirl, and you pop it into your mouth and you munch munch with a squirk squirk in the mouth mouth.


-ilocano delicacies are love-


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