Monday, January 18, 2010

Four Levels of Unanticipated Animosity


like two days ago. i was going home from work, and i can't exactly remember where it might have been lost because i was too sleepy to care. anyways, now in retrospect, i think it's either when i was walking through the every morning chaos in philcoa, or when i rode the tryc back to my apartment in UP Village.

i mean, sheheeet. all my id's are there: my sss id which took years before it materialized, my tin card which i always substituted for a visitor's pass when i go somewhere's, my voter's card! just when the elections are coming.. but the worst of all, is my UP ID...

wait. i think im gonna cry...

*pauses to hold the tears back...*

*sniff sniff*


it's just that my UP card is my most immediate proof of me being a UP student. I mean, i could just pull it out, and it gives you the quickest testament of my college life: every bit of scratch, every blot of bleaching ink, each sticker for each semester... i mean, it just gives you everything. ugh... and now it's gone, and its irreplaceable.

like, when i lost it, i just let out a huge huge bellow. i think i said FUCK. like... FU-HUUUUCKK... like that.


anyways, i went out with my girls that afternoon so i could stop thinking about my lost effecti. it was fun, like fun fun. nobody beats old friends...


so now i start recollecting my id's... at the moment i feel so so anonymous. i hope recollecting my ID's won't be as hard as the first time.

and oh, im still remotely wishing that the person who has my wallet would give it back... just in case.. you know. i leave it to the cosmos, please be nice to me.



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