Saturday, February 12, 2005


Hi Torian, I'm lonely.

Today is not much different from yesterday and the other boring days, just a little bit nastier and depressing. We had our MuL13 exam, and it seems that my effort didn't pay off. I studied really hard, burning my eyebrows out and eventually not concentrating on my other subjects, yet still, the exam was a remorse. The items were just so out of this world, I didn't recall them being tackled in class. Huff... And oh, the results for our EnviSci midterms were already out, and unfortunately, there's nothing to be proud of. I nearly flunked the exam; well, considering it's the only recorded grade we have, I'm not doubting a throbbing 3 in my class card... Huffff. I'm really depressed.

Darn, this is too much for me. Everything seems to be a competition, and I turn out to be the loser all the time. I miss my friends, my true friends, Torian. They're the only people who'd never make a loser out of me. LIAN! DET! ANA! CHEAP! AIZEL! Where are you guys??

Jesus, I'm still all alone in UP. I'm really envious of my highschool buddies. We had a reunion last Feb.5 because it was the debut of two of our darlins (AIZEL and Kring [happyboitday]), so we had to attend and by doing so, we also had time to see each other again. Finally, after a whole solid 10 months of being grim and sullen, I laughed my lungs out again, thanks to my all-time buddies Darryl and Det. They're really the nearest way to heaven you can get here on earth (or here on my earth...).

I'm trying to be humble again, Torian. I'm rebuilding that barricade again, just in case the tough gets so going. At least I'm not gonna lose myself again to Anger and Hatred, which always never failed to make me ghastly thin and pale and ghostly and wicked and deep-eye-socketed, like what I look now (so depressed).

Torian, if only you were real...

I'll see ya in the near hologram-future.

-Depression Incarnate-


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