Holy Guacamole!!
Wow! I had a totally awesome experience at McDonald’s a while ago…
My tummy craved for fries so I went merienda at mcdo. I was walking towards the place, when I noticed a lot of cameras standing by the door. It took some time for me to realize that a commercial was being shot. I bought food, and went in. I sat on a fairly unoccupied portion of mcdo katipunan. So me started eating, and studying microecon, when I noticed some people sitting on the other side of me. They looked pale, and they have brown hair. They dressed cool and they have funny faces. Then there were lights, hot light. And I saw a lot of people wearing id’s at the far corner. There was a lot of equipment…
Well, I resumed eating, and I was digging into my Econ102 when one gary-valenciano-looking guy from the “crew” approached me and asked: “ano ka ba? Hindi jan yung spot mo… di ka makikita ng camera! Yung cue before walking out is yung guy dun sa partition…” If I got that in verbatim. So I just stared at him… not knowing what to say, I shrugged, and managed a “what??” then the person at the other side of my table told the guy that I was an ordinary customer and is not a commercial model… haha. Funny lah.
So that’s the reason why the seats were left unoccupied – so customers won’t be seen in the shots. I also realized that the people on the other side of me were the commercial models… they’re very pale; I thought they were anemics at first. Anyways, I moved. I was forced to. On my next seat, I came face-to-face with drew arellano, who was wearing a UP-maroon long-sleeved polo. He looked pale too, like, chalk white. Haha. So goes my experience at mcdo. Of course, there were a lot of “cuts!” and “actions!” in the air. Cool…
Now what bothers me is why I haven’t lied and told the guy that I was a commercial model and just got my spot wrong. Haha, that’s opportunist, but it’s the guy’s fault. He doesn’t know their subjects.
Oh well, the gift of genetics. I wonder why the guy thought I was a commercial model. *ego shoots skywards…* somehow, I feel proud for being me… hehe lar, they thought I was commercial model. Haha!
My mother certainly didn’t have the thing with cameras, and my father has no commercial factor either. Mum is stout, very pale, has curly hair, and a flat nose. Dad is dark, lean, has dark lips because of smoking, and looks like a stone statue with a very high nose bridge straight from Christmas island. I find it funny that their combination is me, very different from both of them… well, nature has her ways.
I’m well aware of the way I look. According to someone, looks can either be an asset or a hindrance. During my experience at mcdo, looks were assets for sure… go me!!
But in the case of the volleyball club, looks are hindrances… hmmm, expounding later. I have to get over my high first. Gary-valenciano-guy’s discourse is incredible. I still feel like I’m one with the commercial models… haha. I have to tell everyone about this…

ayan, the commercial-model-me fresh out of bed.

yan pa. cute ko noh? commercial-model na commercial-model ang dating... *tiching tiching* hindi yung nasa unahan ha, un ay ang sabit na si lentot. haha. ako yung nasa second layer. cute noh??
i can't wait to upload my new photos. i have a new do, which contributed to my marketable-face-factor, bwahaha!
sayang, walang nag-aapreciate ng ca-cute-an ko... tuguushshh!! kelangan ko na ng gurlfriend.
i'm becoming too egoistic nah... i'd better log off before my blabbering reaches maximum humiliation...
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