Yesterday was a most awesome day. my organization in UP went to Payatas dumps to build houses for those who were affected by the landslide. it was a project entitled GK Build. it was wicked!!
we went there by jeep. we were asked to wear old clothes coz we will paint and carry hollow blocks and break ground something. so it went, with my bandana on. when we were there, i almost vomitted coz the stench was too much. it smelled like rotten fish and ammonia and dead somethings put together. so we went our way to the residential part of the dumps, and when we got there, we were greeted by the community people who were constructing their own houses by themselves. so we gave a hand: some fus painted, some broke the ground and carried the broken soil to the dumps, some talked to the townsfolk. so basically everyone was doing something. i opted to do everything.
first i sandpapered the doors. they said it was preliminary to painting the doors with brown paint. i shouldn't stop smoothening the doors until the white paint is almost powdered. i helped jinky and tin do the job on two doors. then after that, we waited for the paint to come. while waiting, i got my hand on the shovel or whatever it was to do some ground breaking. it was fun, but tiresome, and i was all sweat. luckily i wore my deo spray, else i would have smelled like the dumps. then paint was ready, and we painted two doors. after that, we ate at the community school... there was pancit, and chocolate bread whatever, and coke, and other simple food.
and jared was there, and i can't understand why she have to do me every favor she can think of. she even ate the siu mai that i wasn't able to eat. she was: "alam mo sayang, akin na, ako na lang kakain..." yeah. although there were still lots of siu mais in the remaining containers... and she blabbering about being soft and gentle to everything around, or words to that effect. she's confusing. and she kept on calling my name. geez.
no. not my type.
i was sure she was flirting.
yes i am!!
but i don't like her. besides... i can't.
anyways. that was it. after the work, we were all exhausted, and we have no more transpo, so we commuted back to UP. on the jeep, i talked to ate May, and she was so sweet. more of my type. but again, i can't flirt with her... but i like her. mmm. yeah. she was very kind. then me and lav were dropped off at the Shopping Center and we ate at rodics. basically, lav talked about how she hated her eyes...
then, we went our separate ways. i planned to have a movie marathon at house but i can't coz i've gots no time. but i borrowed two movies anyways. the pacifier and miss congeniality 2. i need breathing space, so i opted for comedy.
by the way, i borrowed two sandra brown books from albee yester yester yesterwhatverdays. i'm working on the first one entitled Where there's Smoke.
mari, our neighbor, is currently working on how to unlock her unit. she locked it from inside, and now she can't enter. poor her. been like that for the last hour.

mmm, that it. till next time!
-worked out-
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