Monday, August 15, 2005



nothin much to do. i have exam tomorrow though but i haven't studied yet and i'm not planning to. it's socio10, my very articulate semi-gay teacher told us that we shouldn't memorize anything. i don't believe him though, coz he's not true to his words. we've tested it.

anyways, i'm using jejo's laptop now and typing is fun. the keyboards of laptops feel good under the fingertip.


haha, today was the first day i ever wrote at ecosoc's member's logbook. i wonder how they gonna respond.


yesteryesternight len called me at house and it was very late in the evening so i told her that i'm sleepy and maybe we could talk later. well, i think she yelled at me because i'm such an ass. no really i was sleepy. so yesternight i called len and i talked to her. well, i thought she's gonna open things up, ya know, things you reveal when the clock says it's 11:30 in the evening. but she didn't. oh well.

i think len is the one person who will never ever love somebody. i think she's incapable of loving... she always turns boys down. i think len prefers to grow old alone than cuddle beside a husband and whisper in the ears and talk about better days and kiss and kiss and kiss...

oh poor her. well it's her.

and oh, i talked to nina too. and she was intriguing. questions are very probing, i thought i was talking to boy abunda. hmmm... actually nina and linnie were talking about me and someone and they thought we were into something haha funny. well, there's nothing - and to nina "i don't have a crush on ***. she's not even affectionate."

hu's angie by the way? nina told me angie says i'm cute... yey! finally, someone thought i'm cute. cool...


i'm beginning to think that my crush in my econ102 is flirting with me. yeah, in my dreams.

ayen was in a good mood today. good for her. good for us! everytime she's not in the good mood, everything around seems dull and gloom and not in place. all because of ayen - and her bubbly character.

uh-oh, my computer's firewall detected a virus. grr... gotta kill it!

i haven't called linnie yet. and carla.

i have a ym account now. all i have to do is publish my id so everyone can add me. go me!

*let me go - 3 doors down*

i think giving us copies of the class directory in psych101 is not a good idea. everybody is texting me now of whatever and i don't even know them. first someone named lala bugged my sleep and asked if we have class. duh - i said yeah. then someone named rio and a lot more keeps texting me and asking me questions about class like i'm their only classmate. grrr... bakit naman sa lahat pa ng tao ako pa pagtatanungan?

hmmm... what else?

well, i guess that's it. i have to expand my crush list pa. if ayen has lots of them, maybe i can gain some more too!

go me!



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