Ancient Wonders
o god, i maybe the happiest person at this moment. accounting exam didn't turn out to be the stomper i was expecting, though i still didn't get all the answers correctly. and the all-or-nothing bonus question!! Nohooo!! but im happy! no more exams! yeah! i did it!
drat that bonus question...
Bonus question: What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
My answers:
The Pyramids at Giza
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Lighthouse of Alexandria
The Statue of Zeus
The Mauseleum of Halicarnassus
The Colossus of Rhodes...
The Parthenon...
Boplaks! how could it be the Parthenon when only the Pyramids are existing today? argh... sayang. was close to copping those five points, but well. at least i know the six. I knew i got that incorrectly.
Actually, i was thinking it really wasn't the Parthenon. my memory was telling me it was something that "LOOKS LIKE THE PARTHENON..." and it's a temple. and gawd, it was. the temple of artemis at ephesus. geez, sayang! i remember when i was a child, when my playground was inside the volumes of the encyclopedia americana on the bookboard, mum would watch me read the books, and once i read about the temple of artemis, i looked at mum and said, "it looks like the parthenon, mame."
and it does. really. (forgive me for sounding like im some avant-garde, but i read the encyclopedia americana from cover to cover when i was five.)
well, maybe the bonus points are destined for someone else. haay. but im still happy because exams are finally over. will get the rest i most deserved.
good thing i didn't see bangbang today. pero... good news tin, i reviewed accounting with toot
for the first time i talked to a stranger in my accounting class. there's this girl beside me who was kind enough to lend me her notes on purchase discounts...
i saw manilyn reynes and family at kfc during lunch. her youngest child is used to walking over to your table and staring at you like you're some alien in glasses who eats grass and orange things. that's asian garden salad of course. cute little child asked me why i was eating leaves...
now what do i do next? this is the academic limbo tin had once talked about. once the exams piled on top of each other are put back to the shelf one by one, you're left with nothing to do but await for the coming of the next exam deluge.
will wait peacefully while making friends and eating a whole lot of chicken fillet sandwiches. i wonder where jejo is. we haven't been to rustans for the longest time now.
well thata. will eat more kfc - end of midterms calls for a celebration. haha.
but before i go, let me just post the results of my latest test in tickle:
Who is your movie star double?
Keneth, your movie star double is Will Smith

A joker like you needs to be played by someone charming, someone who isn't afraid to get a little silly — but someone who always knows the difference between being outrageous and being obnoxious. That's why Will Smith would be perfect for the part. With his dazzling smile, addictive laugh, and great comedic timing, people would immediately identify with the lighthearted fun you bring to this world. Like Will, you love laughing — and making other people laugh, too.
Back in school, were you the one making prank phone calls or organizing spoofs of all the teachers? Sure you've matured at least a little bit since then, but you've still probably got that 14-carat sense of humor. Because of that, you're probably the center of attention at parties, as friends gather to hear you making a mockery of everything from current events to the computer-illiterate idiot who sits next to you at work. You, like Will, don't want to take life too seriously, and that's what will shine through if the Fresh Prince of comedy plays you in the movie of your life.
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