BB42 Bubble
what am i doin? im supposed to be studying for the finals tomorrow.
ok lang. 17 points na lang naman para pumasa. *slack* uhm. just so you know. personal computer is working properly again. but cdrom is whacked. i could destroy it any minute now. yesterday i rented 4 movies and ended up returning them without watching them because freaking cd tray just wont fuckin open.
4 new friend requests on my friendster account. eeny meany miney moe...
im feeling nostalgic and all. i dropped by my friendster and tumbled upon my laiya photos with my ever cherished high school buddies... sheesh. the fact that we were once there, out in the beach, tanning ourselves in the most beautiful philippine sun, all bonded together like we're made to be together forever, makes me wanna ... uf... cry. coz im stuck here at the unit, still with the pale skin ive been wearing since the rainy season last year. i wanna go to the beach, with my friends of course. i miss y'all.

la salle is the one. nothing compares. in la salle, pasteurs are always greener.
erg. it's just once in a blue moon that i get so involved with my emotions about my highschool classmates, that i always miss saying how important all of y'all formed my highschool years. let me just say i value bb42 more than anything. i miss our bb42 bubble, gravely.
i need to see at least one person from bb42. i can deteriorate from loneliness if i dont see one.
uff. sorry, me's being too emotional here. too bad boys dont have "pms" so i dont have anything to blame this emotion overload to.
i just ended my last sentence with a participle. that's bad. something really wrong is happening inside me.
ok lang. 17 points na lang naman para pumasa. *slack* uhm. just so you know. personal computer is working properly again. but cdrom is whacked. i could destroy it any minute now. yesterday i rented 4 movies and ended up returning them without watching them because freaking cd tray just wont fuckin open.
4 new friend requests on my friendster account. eeny meany miney moe...
im feeling nostalgic and all. i dropped by my friendster and tumbled upon my laiya photos with my ever cherished high school buddies... sheesh. the fact that we were once there, out in the beach, tanning ourselves in the most beautiful philippine sun, all bonded together like we're made to be together forever, makes me wanna ... uf... cry. coz im stuck here at the unit, still with the pale skin ive been wearing since the rainy season last year. i wanna go to the beach, with my friends of course. i miss y'all.

haha. best bud daryl is, unfortunately, the one who took this picture. so you wont see him there..
la salle is the one. nothing compares. in la salle, pasteurs are always greener.
erg. it's just once in a blue moon that i get so involved with my emotions about my highschool classmates, that i always miss saying how important all of y'all formed my highschool years. let me just say i value bb42 more than anything. i miss our bb42 bubble, gravely.
i need to see at least one person from bb42. i can deteriorate from loneliness if i dont see one.
uff. sorry, me's being too emotional here. too bad boys dont have "pms" so i dont have anything to blame this emotion overload to.
i just ended my last sentence with a participle. that's bad. something really wrong is happening inside me.
-i need chocolate-
hehehe.. there is nothing like our mis/adventures in good old la salle lipa, huh!? hayy.. i miss those days, too.
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