Monday, August 28, 2006

Broken Haiku

and it flowed, half-abandon
while the cards were shuffled, stacked, then rearranged
this man played three spade

once thing is certain
a question nets a loss, a double-edged,
sword that is high paid

play, play, lose to heart
and straights, and flushes, and high ranking cards
and i tell, half-abandon

this man didn't know
the use of flushing cards to tell a story
now people knows more

this man no longer
holds a dear insignia of innocence
and the world felt him

the glory that was
more powerful than coffee, stronger than drug
and liberating

the sweet womb expanse
this man has toured, and learned, through frequent visits
but there is one thing

this man's rich full lips
has never touched skin, not one inch, nor hair
that thing's for certain

this man has never been kissed.



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