Sunday, November 12, 2006

Blank Thoughts

i could get myself a guiness book of world record for having the fastest piling laundry in the whole earth. of course im oxymoroning...

yesternight, we went out, ugh, im too lazy to recount so just read len's blog ( if you want photos, then also visit len's multiply ( she's a memorabilia you know. and im lazy as sloth.

oh len, i dunno about the driving. you drive like my brother, it makes me go motion sick. then teh motion sickness develops into vertigo, so when i alight from the vehicle i go wobble-wobble. hmmm... i think it's normal.


ive been fretting the whole day because we have readings for environmental economics and economic history but the main text books are still unavailable until next week. sayang. kung kelan naman gusto ko magbasa.

oh and my teacher in economic history (who is fresh from the london school of economics) is unfortunately as ignorant of math as most of us are. during the first day of classes, she wanted to divide us into 7 groups for a group reporting. there are 38 students in my class, so the normal thing to do is to make us count off up to 7. now my teacher said maybe there should be about 4 students in a group, so guess what she did to group us off... she made us count up to four...

which makes way for only four groups instead of seven. wow. where was she when the teacher taught division back in elementary??

anyways she's nice.

well, mum visited me, brought me another jar of choco flakes from baguio. yum...

hmmm... im so bored of my life. but it's ok. at least im not sad or in pain or in something else. maybe im happy, taking tin's definition of happiness (which is the absence of pain...). i think im just bored.

and out of boredom i have evaluated myself as: envious and insensitive.

ok im lost. will sleep bai.

-there's a colorless cockroack crawling on the window ledge.-


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