Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Yuletide Anger

hindi. since Christmas is coming, there's no room for sulking over petty things. besides, they're petty. ive grown eighteen years to overlook the simplicities of this grand life.

as len said, being happy is a matter of choice. it is us who decides if we will lead a happy or sad life... makes sense. i have reconciled the things that anger me, and it makes me feel happy.

this morning, i woke up with an aching abdominal muscle (i pulled it, haha, in my attempt to make a plankboard out of my tummy...). nah that's not important. again...

this morning, i woke up with christmas wrappers at my feet, an unfinished sandra brown book beside my pillow, and three pounds lighter in terms of anger units. im glad that the sleep made me a better person (yesternight, i slept in anger, cursing people who dont go my way). Sleep has rejuvenating effects.

again, im excited for this friday. i cant wait for the lanterns.. ayen made one, and i will be the critique of her artwork... haha! nah, joke. actually im more excited of the prospect that christine is going on a date... hmmm...

"Christine has matured very much since she was my student back then..." these are the words of Professor Ernesto Pernia. indeed she has grown (longer hair.. haha!). i remember christine sitting beside me and my friends at world lit class, blank and lost when Dr. Jose asked her about the Iliad. haha, tin was so, hmmm, should i say naive back then...

oh well.

wow, christmas is making me happy. even though im basically not having a christmas "vacation" because i have a huge load to be done over the "break," im happy nevertheless. tin says we should look on the brighter side of things. oh the optimistic her. maybe the idea of being able to catch up on missed sleep sets off the bad things that i have to do this christmas. haha.

oh by the way i hope when we return next year, things are ok. i hope vida settles things, you know, even though she's your friends' friend, you cant help but miss her coz she's bright and intelligent, and well, full of life. ...

thata. let's all be happy this yuletide season...

-happy christmas-


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