Monday, May 21, 2007

Battery Suit

We received a mail today; it was addressed to my mother’s other son… apparently it comes from the regional trial court: my mother’s other son was sued for blatant battery of his wife, and of course, for threatening his child to trauma…

Let me give you a very brief summary of the things that happened after the, what other people may call, “rebellious” activities that I did in my attempt to strip myself off the family…

Well I went to college. That meant I’ll be boarding at some other place my then brother will never be able to go to. I thought the house in lipa will finally have the peace and quiet it has been suppressed from for 15 years. But I was wrong. The noise went on, this time, on the tiny little wreckage of a family that resided with us, that same family which siphoned our resources to far-from-proud limits.

My then brother continuously battered his wife and scared off his daughter in the process... They had been fighting over petty things I guess, until come one day, Wife decides to finally leave our house, her daughter in tow, and filed a case of battery against my then brother. You know my then brother, he had abused shabu for a very long time, so I guess the damaging contents of the drug was never eliminated from his system. I was left to deduce that his brain, or at least his psyche, is damaged by the shabu, and the scar will cling to his personality forever, even after endless rounds of rehabilitation and recollection. That’s why he had always been a war freak; he was always somebody else’s enemy. He will forever be a damaged individual for me…

Anyways, I heard them talking about subpoenas and affidavits and other big words I only heard in law schools and movies. My mum was never off the telephone nowadays. And my then brother is as restless as a caged beast, nervous and about to break (note: I am currently residing at the house I have deserted three years ago. Believing that the air is clearer now, I came back, and still won’t talk to my then brother… it’s complicated, but it is better this way.).

Well all this only makes me feel glad that finally, I have proven wrong all those other people who wouldn’t believe me when I told them about the hellish childhood I endured with my then brother. My then brother is a monster. My rebellion, my running away, my letters, now they are all explained by the lawsuit that’s hounding my mother’s other son. I know people can now see things around me clearly.

Everything I have said before, so long as im serious, are all true. I was a battered child but I am no more. I always knew I was on the right, and whatever I have done that made some other person problematic at that time, I guess, is pardonable.

Can I just say? I can easily be the happiest person if my then brother goes off to jail…



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