Wednesday, November 23, 2005



tiresome day today. i should have been saving my allowance for future use and now what have i done?

i was disappointed first thing in the morning because we didnt do skin diving today. i was so ready with all the sun block and skin diving gears and stuff, and then there was this note daw that the chk people are attending the SEA Games, so the pool is closed today. arghh... im feeling icky because of the sun block, then no skin diving? How disappointing.

Good thing we went to megamall to watch HP4. We ate at mexicali first. i ate chicken chimichanga, which is delicious if i didn't put the salsa in the side salad! haha, funny me, i didn't even know how to eat mexican food. they're very difficult food. then bought tickets for HP4, but before we watched, we went to Penshoppe first. at first it was window shopping, but then we were informed of this 100% free shirt for every P1,200 purchase, so we went on the hunt! Sarsi and Ayen were on Brown and Pink ensembles, and Lav went for the weird girl thing that's called a tank top (i can't figure out if its an underwear or proper top - i need a fashion guru here.) Then much to ayen's persuasion, I bought this pink shirt with a very naughty message emblazoned at the front. We reached P1,200, so we get a free shirt. and my girl friends are very kind to give me the free shirt. haha, big thanks guys! i owe you one.

and oh, sarsi picked the free shirt for me. i hope i carry it well...

i like penshoppe now than before. i like their ads too, very youthful, and very radical in a socratic-academic way...

then movie. some scenes were exhilirating. i was so sad when cedric had to die. but there were some scenes in the book that were not included in the movie, like the big spider in the maze, and the blast-ended skrewts, and the Quidditch World Cup...

stanislav ianevsky reminds ayen of claur (highschool batchmate). mmm, haha! no comment.

Looking forward to HP5 the movie!

hey, i just had this freaky test on one of my ygroups. i don't normally do them because i think they are fauxs but now i think some of them do work...

the test asked list numbers 1 to 11 on a blank sheet of paper. i had to put 2 numbers beside 1 and 2, then put two names of the opposite sex on 3 and 7, then put three names of whoever on 4 to 6, then list 4 song titles from 8 to 11... i did it in a breeze, excited of what the outcome would be. here's what i listed:

1. 5
2. 28
3. *****
4. Jejo
5. Ayen
6. Sarsi
7. ***
8. Photograph
9. The Ghost of You
10. Behind These Hazel Eyes
11. Because of You (Kelly C. - not the jologs one..)

The results:
number 2 is not really important.
number 1 is my lucky number.
number 3 is the woman i love. (yeah, i think so...)
number 4 is someone i care somehow (im not sure of this though)
number 5 is someone who knows me well (which is ayen, of course!)
number 6 is my "lucky star" (yeah, she just picked me a free shirt a while ago...)
number 7 is the person you like but your relationship cannot work (exactly...this is kind of painful)
number 8 is the song that describes number 3. (mmm, yeah she kind of reminds me the old days)
number 9 is the song that describes number 7 (yes, this is definitely it. she keeps hunting my mind... my dreams...)
number 10 is the song that tells you most about your mind
and number 11 is the song telling how you feel about life (correct again, because i just feel like im the one not straying too far from the sidewalk...)

sheesh. what a very freaky test. maybe it's just a coincidence but i think there have to be some psychology in it...

mmm... cool test.

i will never buy caffe mocha from starbucks again. toffee nut latte is far better.

mmm, i guess that's it. i have to write my features for sidhi pa. of all the topics naman, sakin pa napunta ung UPSE Guitar Club. malay ko namn dun. i never had an idea it existed. i should have pushed my point and wrote what i thought was more interesting (religion and quasi-heresy)... but well, i have to do this because i like my FeatEd now than my previous one. go me!



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