Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Skin Diving

see, we have skin diving classes when brylee's not around. this morning, he didn't come to sit-in, and as i expected, skin diving turned out well. i was correct all along... may balat si brylee sa pwet. haha.

skin diving never felt so good. during the first meetings i always got unnerved by the chilling water, cramped toefingers, and a trembling jaw. but today was a different day.

prof asked us to float on our backs, and it was the first time i appreciated doing that... amid the pressure of UP days, amid 30-years old moss accumulates on the swimming pool floor, amid the tiny whateverthings floating with me, i felt relaxed looking up at the blue sky, the heavenly ocean curtained with white cotton. the sun baking my face was very welcome, despite the fact that UV rays rapture skin cells, but this time it was different. just me and my classmates floating on a vast expanse of blue.

it's phenomenal.

and prof taught us this cool diving position called the back-flip entry. it's like the one in the nestea commercial, you enter the water back first. it's my favorite. doing it is like giving yourself up to a greater entity that will engulf you, then bring you back to the surface so you can breathe. it's a simple joy im willing to pay for.

and not to mention the healthy tan i get everytime i go skin diving.

and the singing and mini-concert we get whenever we wash the chlorine off our bodies in the washroom. we have two classmates from a singing ensemble and they never failed to amaze us with their cool voices. i guess men are really like that. we like singing while we take a bath.

haay. i cant wait for skin diving next week. will try harder to keep me amphibious for a longer period of time.

wish me luck!

and yes i am pacified at the moment. im a better person now. i dont hold grudges with me that long anymore. anger management is a ticket to youthful vitality. practice it.



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