Monday, January 30, 2006

Four Hours

we had 4 hours of free time today. wasted nuff time to walk around UP. we even went to vargas! unfortunately it was closed every mondays, so better luck next time. we're planning to go this wednesday. i wonder what's inside.

one of those modern art creations just outside vargas. i dont really get the form and meaning of modern art, but they're beautiful nonetheless.

sarsibethy playing coy outside vargas.

tin hottie posing hestia style... haha! joke.

i cut econ106 because spending 2:30-4:00 of my afternoon with prof danao would prove to be such a waste of time. everything he discusses in class are directly quoted from the book so... byebye sir danao. see u on thursday.

besides, ayen wasn't in class because she and vida went to the airport to fetch this bangladeshi trainee for their organization. will meet bangladeshi person and get to know of bangladeshis smell like indians or arabs.

Are you a Brat?

Kimoy, you're a Mischievous Brat

Just because you haven't gotten caught, doesn't mean you're not a big brat. Sure, you love to do things like pull the fire alarm or the wool over people's eyes. But what makes you unique, and sure, a little fun, is the way you always manage to skip out on getting blamed.

Smart and sneaky, you know how to fly under the radar. And, on the rare occasion where you do get caught, you know just how to sweet-talk your way out of it. We know it sounds like you're the coolest cat around, but you know what they say — what goes around comes around. Watch out!

now im beginning to be convinced that i still havent grown up. will wait for my testosterone upsurge. besides, feeling young is not feeling... uh, yin...

di ba? yin and young.




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