Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Crazy Graphing

ok. i forgot that i have already passed my pre-lab for chem lab so i dont have much to do tonight. i have an assignment though, which is to list the melting and boiling points of the first 20 elements on the periodic table, and then graph them. eh erg. how do you graph (cram) a range of +3000 degrees Celsius into a sixteenth part of a bond paper? sure this is a test of some skills yar man...
why do people have to speak too much. there's this one classmate from chem16 who told me she finds me cute (like her brother... ??), and after that i started to view her in a very different way the first time i ever regarded her. it always changes, when someone tells you you stand out of the crowd because someone finds you cute, or someone thinks you look like someone's brother, or someone thinks you look like the burger munching model on the commercial... basta, i cant explain it the way i want to explain it because, erm, you know how people think these days. once you said something to flatter yourself, they'd label you a feeler. hrm. what am i saying. argh.
basta it's like the way i started to feel when sarsi told me that tin (higher batch) always stared at me during accounting class. or when tin (friend) went gaga over teasing me with this whiny ignoramus from cwts. or when ayen started matchmaking with me and an overly pathetic jologs depressive from my batch. erg... get me?
haay. anyhows...
graphing is still a problem. maybe that's why i dont see myself being an economists, because economists do graphs all their lives. i dont really know how much patience i have for constructing graphs, all i know is that an x-axis, a y-axis, calibrations, and the points are all i need. no more z-axes, utterly redundant labels, and luxurious titles. at ung iba may kulay pa. hlf...
whats the life in graphs? i cant see the money IN graphs...
i see the money in frogs, in laboratories, in a hospital... yehh... schlewp *drools* speaking of medschool (?), im dreaming of the specialization i would take if ever i graduate from medschool. pediatrics is my number one option. well cardio used to be on top, but after what one of my friends said about how someone could die in you own hands if you were taking care of their hearts, well, it would be number now... and number three is... herm, the dream of all the male medical doctors in the world: OB-GYN!! haha!
ok that was a joke.
will go take a shower. its extremely hot these past few days.

-at standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen's boiling point is 20.28K-


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