Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hormone Overdrive

hormones are drriiiving me crrraazy again! grrrooooarrr!

i hate these days. these are the days of the month when my hormones decide to ooze out of my hands in the form of sweat and ruin everything i touch. i can hardly even type on the keyboard.

it all started in that fair thing. the crowd?? remember i hate crowds? i get queasy. and the disturbed set of hormones were carried on until this afternoon, while i was cleaning my unit.. i moved two inches, i sweated a bucket... i thought id die from overperspiration. my lord why did you ever create such things as hormones?

and this hormone thing caused me to go fill myself unnecessarily. ive been eating increasingly fatty food since the past two days. i can't conjure up the image of my stomach accomodating all the bread pan ive eaten, the asian salads, the burgers, the chicken fillets, and the buckets of porkchop... top everything with rice, mashed potato, and ice cream, and there you go. a meal fit for a king... pig king.

i hate the feeling of being fat already. being bloated doesn't feel that nice. can't move right. can't feel right. can't even breathe right. but then again, it might just be my hormones.

grr i hate! *burp*

and for so long, ive been dry whenever i wake up. but this morning, uff. i looked down on my midsection and saw that i practically wetted my boxers with "wet dreams..."

shit. i never had wet dreams since i cant remember when...

if anything can just mend me now. please... i think the pains of adolescence are exaggerating in my case.

but then again, adolescence should have been done two years ago. why am i still having these icky adolescent-changes-in-the-body stuff? what, it's quarter-life body crisis? oh gimme a break. everything's a crisis now, the body can't possibly go the same way our economy goes...

ok, now im hungry again. this is getting into my nerves.

-chrissake! breeaaad pan.-


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