Monday, November 28, 2005


blimp blimp blimp blimp blimp....

yesterday was completely bum day. watched star wars revenge of the sith, fantastic four, and bridget jones' diary. after watching i just realized that one of my friends' blog sounds very much like bridge's diary... well...

i still have two movies at the rack: bridget jones: edge of reason and the polar express... loooooking forward to watching chicken little on wednesday after skin diving, and more starbs coffee this week...

i should give my blog upholstered. i want a new look... but it's very hard to manipulate this kind of template. it has lots of cascading style sheets...

fra la la la larf...

mark, my dear features editor, sent me an email. he said he likes my proposal for the religion article i so wanted to write. i think id write it for the next issue. i also want to write about the diminishing packaging of milk products, because every time i went to rustans, all the milk products kept on shrinking as their prices went up... negative relationships concerning easily consumable products never benefitted man...

still learning french. i believe i can write basic sentences in the present tense. i can understand more things too... watching channel 74 of sky gives a bit of help... alors.

i've ate loads of unhealthy food yesterday. mmm, i was watching the barefoot contessa in lifestyle network, and she was making this scrumptous cake thing and a lot of sweets, i just salivated. so from 1130 in the morning to 1000 in the evening, i was eating nonstop: french fries, honey barbecue chicken, cheese streusels, cheese stuffed whatver bread, hot chocolate, chicken torpedo, burger steak, pork steak, donuts, more fries, bananas, etc. etc. would you believe that?

ayun, akala ko tumaba na ko... but when i looked at myself this morning, nyerk, ganun pa din... im thin like a chopstick...

sheesh *we go together* teka lng, i'll just rock with the music... yeeeaaahHH!!

chang chang changidy chang chibop
chang chang changidy chang chipop

lalala kadingy kadingy dong...

yan, tapus na...

nickelback's songs are rockin. ngaun ko lang naapreciate.. im beginning to develop a selective ear for Hale. nakakabingi na.

mmm, ang sarap nung cheese-stuffed bread fingers dun sa julie's. makabili nga ulit... (i gobbled 5 of them yesterday, and 2 choco germans...)


well, i dont give a damn, i just want to gain some weight. i hope there's a proper diet for gaining weight. i wonder how renee zellweger did it to herself.

it's ayen's birthday today! yey, i dont have a gift yet. maybe i'll give her some cheese streusels na lng... hehe. food...

awryt, more later... i have to practice my french pa. au revoir!

Pouvoir la vision d'un bon avenir libère mon âme, et me libérer des chaînes de tristesse..

-blimpo me-


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