another post for today!!
i've been messing with adobe photoshop a while ago... haha, its so fun, i tried putting my face on the cd face of bridget jones' diary - i put my face over hugh grants... haha, see:

nyahaha! see! im better than hugh grant... haha, i even colored my eyes green. there's something weird in it though.
of course, i was able to do these adobe things because i disposed of my other dysfunctional mouse. my new mouse is cool. it has a scroller that's luminescent blue. and the underside is red. so it's like the flag of the philippines... (??)

cool... oh i edited some of my other photos too... they're better now. like for example this photo:

i bought another bunch of cheese streusels and cheese buns. i think too much eating of this kind of stuff will make me diabetic instead of make me fat. arghh... i hate my body!
no, teka, hindi pala, i love my body pala. hehe, i wouldn't exchange it for anybody's body (except for corey willis maybe - i haven't seen him, but tin kept on pressing that he's "the perfect body" wehehe). huff... if i was only a model... i wish i was 6 feet tall. but tin said it's better to have the looks and not the height than have the height but not the looks. so i dream on.
but since im me, i might just as well smile about it. no one's like me in the world! haha at least that's a consolation.

and even though im me, i know there's someone out there who i deserve and who deserves me the other way around. now lets see, who could she be?
i have tuut, tutt, ttut, tuth, toot, tuht, etc. etc. wow, ive gots lots of girl friends! mmm, now which of them could be my happy ending?
hah, what a nonsense im blogging?
o well, back to accounting... i haven't finished my notes yet. so, bye!

je m'ennui!! ...
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