j'arrive retard au maison... 12:10 am...
really really tired now. mind-wreaking headache gnawing at my gray matter. arghh... too tired to weave comprehensible sentences so im doing this blog ayong style:
cw10 late, so assimilation of new ideas = zero. then french quiz, committed mistakes so far: 2
then cwts. new friends: zye (zed ygrec e). left early for gen's concert.
then concert. rendezvous: starbucks. transpo: LRT. Concert: relaxing.
comprehensible sentences start here:
-concert was good.

i missed the christmas carols, especially my favorite ukrainian chant "carol of the bells". have to spend 100 bucks though for the concert (not to mention transpo expense...) well it's worth having heard a melody singer, a histrionic tenor, a para-histrionic tenor, and a power-soprano doing solos in one night.

then wendy's. food is expensive and not sulit.
incomprehensible sentences resume:
home. blog.
sleep. bye.
really really tired now. mind-wreaking headache gnawing at my gray matter. arghh... too tired to weave comprehensible sentences so im doing this blog ayong style:
cw10 late, so assimilation of new ideas = zero. then french quiz, committed mistakes so far: 2
then cwts. new friends: zye (zed ygrec e). left early for gen's concert.
then concert. rendezvous: starbucks. transpo: LRT. Concert: relaxing.
comprehensible sentences start here:
-concert was good.

i missed the christmas carols, especially my favorite ukrainian chant "carol of the bells". have to spend 100 bucks though for the concert (not to mention transpo expense...) well it's worth having heard a melody singer, a histrionic tenor, a para-histrionic tenor, and a power-soprano doing solos in one night.

then wendy's. food is expensive and not sulit.
incomprehensible sentences resume:
home. blog.
sleep. bye.
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