Tout Seul
jejo's out of the unit already, i have the unit all for myself! yeeeha!

new setup

suddenly the room started to look so expansive and ... uh, empty... hmmm.
this calls for some intensive personalizing upholstery of my room. i wonder where i should start.
naah. maybe later. accounting and mathematical econ and french are calling me.
bonjour mademoiselle. je m'appelle kimoy. j'ai dix-huit ans. je suis philippin. et toi?
erg. i hope that someday i will be able to tell everyone that i am trilingual.
and that i am not intimidated by accounting anymore.
i hope everyone uses mozilla firefox because everything is better in mozilla than in microsoft internet.

new setup

suddenly the room started to look so expansive and ... uh, empty... hmmm.
this calls for some intensive personalizing upholstery of my room. i wonder where i should start.
naah. maybe later. accounting and mathematical econ and french are calling me.
bonjour mademoiselle. je m'appelle kimoy. j'ai dix-huit ans. je suis philippin. et toi?
erg. i hope that someday i will be able to tell everyone that i am trilingual.
and that i am not intimidated by accounting anymore.
i hope everyone uses mozilla firefox because everything is better in mozilla than in microsoft internet.
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