Thursday, March 02, 2006

No Handshakes


felt guilty impaling rocky with a "i dont give handshakes" when he approached us this afternoon, campaigning. i believe i offended him. will apologize... later.

but is it really my fault being me? i choose to be my normal self even during campaign seasons. elections do not create a difference in me, unlike those who will run for any position in the student office. suddenly wilmer was talking to me. biatch. listen to my words of artificial meanings.

as for rocky, i didn't intend to hurt your feelings. you just met the real me back there. but i will apologize nevertheless, because i dont want anyone getting angry at me for being in a different wavelength... touche!

well. talking about being me, i became me again during the accounting exam. despite longer studying time i spent readying for fucking second exam, i still got a score lower than what's expected, even lower than my first exam. im convinced that this course is really not for me, because i love it as much as it doesnt love me. whit, i may say. never really developed a liking for accounting, even back in highschool. i would fail exams, and wouldn't give a damn.

college is different though, because in the first exam, i got a 78 out of a hundred, and got depressed. surprisingly, when i received my 71 percent second exam, i didnt feel like getting depressed anymore. tears had dried up i guess.

no more skin diving at the swimming pool forever. the wednesday that had past was our last meeting in the pool. the next meeting will be at the library, for the finals i guess. haay. no more tanning sessions until the next class outing.

my skin has a lot of viteligoed spots. i wont have good tanned skin pala, because some parts of my body just wont get any darker. it looks ugly.

i want to drown myself with raspberry tea frap. with extra whipped cream. a little astringent drink would do me good now, because my nerves are deadened by the academic blows i received today.

i would be needing a friend who would stay up til late night with me soon.



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