Turning Twenteen
i forgot to upload the photos shot during sarsi's birthday celebration at super bowl... here they are:

twenteen, nighteen, eighteen...

wee saya!

yey! here's tin in her "head-wear-endorsing-mode"... the color channel had to be changed tin because there's a shadow covering your face. the original doesnt show your face that much, so i edited the light/darkness balance... hehe.

eli buendia. ak.
hmmm. sarsi is twenty... uh. i'd call it twenteen - to save sarsi from quarter life crisis. sarsi doesn't act like twenty though. you'd easily mistake her for an eighteen year old. i wonder if i'd ever feel the pressure of quarter life crisis when i reach twenty. i dont actually think being twenty is being old. twenty is very young. compared to middle age which is forty. ako nga, eighteen na, i still dont feel like im legally adult. i still enjoy candies, toys (especially zoids ooohh i like i like!), chicken little movies, etc. and im less than two years shy of turning twenty... well yeah maybe im growing old. but im not growing up at the moment. that time will come for sure, but not in the next five years.
un. in the meantime, id enjoy being young and fresh... and hairless....
un. in the meantime, id enjoy being young and fresh... and hairless....
everywhere is so desolate lately. UP had been very barren nowadays. i dont see the normal lot of students trudging down the weathered sidewalks of UP anymore. where could they be? and katipunan had also been desolate. the usual friday nights were no longer that bright and buzzy and bustling. just the normal city lights, and sound of mechanicals passing by. so lonely.
hay. well...
hay. well...
thata. wish me luck for next week. hell will break lose!
22 - make-up class for accounting1 (8-10), examination orale pour français dix à dix heure trente minute, l'examen d'unité pour français dix à un heure a l'apres midi, deadline for cw10 short story second/final draft...
23 - finals and practical exam for skin diving (10-12)
24 - finals for accounting1
27 - finals for history (morning) and mathematical economics (afternoon)
erg! i can see myself wasted by the end of this semester. and it doesn't end there, because i still have to land the rvc, and get myself a summer job. huff. now what job should i work for this summer? call center or starbucks? or english tutorials for koreans maybe? bookstores perhaps. list list list. will think of it later. i will take a nap for now.
23 - finals and practical exam for skin diving (10-12)
24 - finals for accounting1
27 - finals for history (morning) and mathematical economics (afternoon)
erg! i can see myself wasted by the end of this semester. and it doesn't end there, because i still have to land the rvc, and get myself a summer job. huff. now what job should i work for this summer? call center or starbucks? or english tutorials for koreans maybe? bookstores perhaps. list list list. will think of it later. i will take a nap for now.
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