Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Grand Rapids

I feel so sorry today. not necessarily for myself. but sorry still. it is so hard when you go face to face with the plays of reality.

today is exceptionally sullen.

i talked to one of my friends this afternoon. i was shocked by the story she told me. i wont expound here, but i just want to say, to no one in particular, that life makes us do things we never ever thought we would do, so beware.

to my friend, you know who you are, we will BE WHEREVER YOU WANT US TO BE. we are not just anyone else who'd shut you out and mind our own businesses. we warned you, but you were far too kind to decide what's right from what's easy. but whatever, things have happened. all we can do now is hold each others hands and brace ourselves for the coming of tomorrow.

let's see where this river of pain takes us. i tell you, our own risks will set us free. so c'mon niggas, let's play this life like its meant to be our one single shining glory.

good luck everyone.

oh dear lord, some people just dont deserve the things that happen to them. it pains us, because we do not rest assured that tomorrow, everything is still fine. je prie pour salvation.

-at infinite entropy-


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