Typhoon Milenyo
what a day that was.
gawd, was it just us, but everything yesterday seemed like a Survivor series. more of like Survivor: Katipunan, in my case. or well in our case. ive been with mari and the gang the whoooole time. geezes, twas fun.
so the typhoon started lashing off all the dangling pieces of the urban settlement called Katipunan avenue starting the noon of the 28th of September. that was yesterday. by God, i was inside my room trying to get a grip of the banging windows on the windowpane... they were driving me mad coz they've been banging on it like crazy for hours due to the lashing winds so ive decided to hang on them until the typhoon subsides. unlucky me, it didnt stop until late afternoon, and by then, id have witnessed the hopeless dismantling of the roof of my condo (the main roof, yeah the whole thing, i mean not really my unit's, but the condo's roof. and it's got so noisy), the destruction of the blue and white walkway ensemble alongside Kostka school (it's gone now - the walkway. gone in the wind), and the explosion of a meralco transformer subjecting the whole length of Katipunan on a black-out before i thought of threading the damn window with a string against the windowpane so it wouldn't bang. im such a slow thinker. but whatever.
i had to buy myself candles to light up my unit. and lar, when was the last time i ever used a candle? classic!
anyhows, i was kind of doomed inside my room coz there was only dim light, the water and telephone lines were cut off, and there's nothing left for me to do but eat. so i was enjoying the last morsels of my "last supper" (because all the atm machines are out, i have only 200 bucks in my pocket, and every establishment in Katip has closed, so i basically was on a crisis), when mari knocked on the door and invited me over to their unit. we played cards all night, with the other sleep-overees.. ria, her boyfriend - toy, thirdy, mari, and me spent the night which was phenomenal beyond superficial standards. haha.
by 9 in the evening, everybody (every single person who boards in Katip) is out on the avenue scavenging for food. of course all the lights were out, so the usual city lights are but mere dark holes now. almost all the establishments ceased operation since afternoon, and our only hope to get some food (with the limited money that we have) lied on the hands of the manager of... Shakey's.
ive been tehre the afternoon, bought my lunch, and the atenista boarders decided to spend the day there, since there's none else to go. mcdonalds had closed hours ago. anyways back to 9pm...
the usual reds and orange of Shakey's turned into an undistinguishable shade of brown, as the restaurant was transformed into a refugee camp. every person wanted to get in, to get the food that's left. anyhows we stayed there for a couple of minutes waited if the crew could still get us our orders... ive talked about everything, from pep to econ, to the importance of the word STRATEGY.. erf. all that time we were in complete darkness. Shakey's had a problem with their generator, so the last illuminating thing in Katip eventually burned down. anyways, we left minutes later after being informed that there's no food anymore (huhu, it was so pathetic it reminded me of Hotel Rwanda... and the food had to be rationed. erf). so we went searching for other food stores. apparently only two were left open: 7/11 and the Hungry Hippo... (yeah, even starbucks had closed, sending my dreams of getting my phone charged into the garbage can. i only had 2 bars left when i texted ayen about my whateverstuff... haha! i got a bit paranoid coz i was so into the survivor thing that i thought we might not survive the night. haha! so it's like mi ultimo adios. harhar).
we first went to 7/11 and gawd, was it stripped. the stands were just empty as my peers from burgundy and prince david launched into panic buying and literally stripped 7/11 of market function. there's even this person who was filming the whole scenario, it was so pathetic, but real, that i thought for one moment that this could get here a good thesis if she's ever graduating on a bachelor's degree on film. (and it's still dark dude, 7/11 is on candle light). well we didn't get the chance to grab some food, so we just went to the last store that's open for the night... The Hungry Hippo.
man, their chunky chicken sandwich is awesome. il est tres delicieux!! yuuurmmy..
then we went back to the condo and spent the dark night, with limited food, NO WATER (the water line was cut off), talking and talking until we dozed off to sleep.
then morning came. the electricity came some time after midnight. finally we got to attend to our hygiene when the water line went back to life. we had brunch at mcdonald's talking about the loss they uh, incurred for not opening yesterday. SHakey's got away with all the money. haay. econ econ econ.

that was us the morning after. me, thirdy, ria, and her boy toy... toy... haha. mari took this picture.
oh, and have i mentioned how annoying jollibee went out? they closed the doors even when we know there's food inside. erg. darn them. trying to be elitist when they're not fit to be.
anyhows. that was what happened yesterday, when the forces of nature played the hands of fate on us. haha. what a day that was...
-oooh, i love light. i love food. i love water. and my phone is fully charged-
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