Saturday, October 14, 2006

Word Histrionics

i am temporarily procrastinating. my head is so full of 2.25's and matrices due to incessant gwa computing.

come to think of it, i have never laid eyes on my academic average since fourth year high school. relating it to my situation now, maybe it's the loss of caring about my grades, why im suffering such academic delinquency probations at the moment. dang.

if my computation is correct, my ewa is 2.69.. 2.69!! that's like - 2.7... God. all this time i thought it's just 2.6, which is but .1 units away from the maintaining average. well. that's not the case. im doomed, however i compute it. so please, Lord, make it easy for me to say goodbye to econ. and can i just say how nasty my econ106 exam was. whoever gave sir danao the air of sadism. we're under probation! dang it... how dare he do that to us??

anyways, my gwa is still fine at 1.99... dang. that's like - dos.

whatever. my french will suffice.

so, steady lang.

i talked to len about my shifting to EL, geez, may the Lord bring altruist grace on the time of my interviews. i dont want to simply scrap away my econ units. maybe they'd get credited as a minor. j'espere.

anyhows, back to cruelly cold and biting reality, my biology exam's waiting for me round the corner. im doomed to not knowing where to start with the uber long lessons, but i have to start somewhere, because the professors didn't ingrain in me the rudiments of the bloody subject.

let me tell you this *confession of a true blue (maroon) isko coming up...*

UP is not really hard. it's just that professors here are not blessed with high levels of serotonin to give away grades higher than dos. and you thought you get quality education all over UP? that's bullshit. the professors in bio are the most incompetent dickheads that ever walked the academic world. *after the socio assholes of course* i dont have to explain it, because you probably had your own incompetent teacher and you get my drift. it's just that, grr...

how'd you feel when your professor merely mentioned the title of a topic and claims to have discussed it in class? wooooo. im sorrrry. since when was mentioning a title considered discussing it??

shrimp lady! the hell with your intermettent system of instruction. "i have discussed thes, i have discussed that, i have gone all the way here..." maybe in your world!! shrimp lady! i hate you. and as far as im concerned, that system of yours is not only erratic, it's incompetent, obsolete, sporadic, and trashy. i cant wait to say good riddance, you shrimp!

ghhhr. im fussed.

this is the exact reason why psychologists roam the corridors of medschools instead of more deserving biology majors.

ayt bye.

-bloop bloop-


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