Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moonlighting in Twenty Four Days of Hiatus

roar! im officially a facebook ignoramus.. it's supposed to be easy right? so what's wrong with me...
as ive ranted since forever, bibi, my laptop still hasn't risen from the dead (you remember, i accidentally sat on her while she was innocently beeping and bleeping on my bed, doing my downloads...??). anyways, so i just realized a very practical correlation between laptop health and cyberspace savvy-ness... if laptop suddenly goes a-bug, cyberspace would be ebb away from your grasp, until you don't know it anymore... in short, no laptop, no facebook.
... *toink
hey watch out for my most recent faux-theory about ENDS and PROCESSES. i was so bored this weekend my mind went everywhere. bleh. at eto na ang bago sakin, im a theorist. im an intellectual. hello intellectual me!
ok gotta go sago!

-i wanna go luzon tripping like ayen did.-