Salty and Sandy Memories under the Summer Sun
So, after a baker's dozen of mismatches, I finally found and brought home my cd full of photos from our summer outing at Canyon Cove. it's been aeons, but hey.
we left the Hub at around 8 in the morning, right after our friday shift, so imagine the biggest eye bags on earth. but good thing i power-napped at thea's crib, and relaxed some, and maybe snored some too. then a quick detour at mercury drug for all your summer whathavya's (ie moisturizers, tanners, food), and we're off to the exclusive paradise coves of Nasugbu.

the boys...

the gurls...

the us!!
when we arrived, what greeted us was an endless pavement baked by an afternoon sun (where's the sea???). maybe that was how the resort conditions the guests, because by the time we went to the assembly area (a huge room full of pristine white tables and chairs), we were aching for the beach. they fed us first though (let's not talk about the food, it's a summer spoiler). then some waiting for our room assignments, which was a bum because they segregated the boys from the girls... as if we won't find a way to ah...anyways, i think before everything, we had some sort of a program first to commence the whole thing. so we did this survivor-inspired game and some cheering, you know, the usual... so by then we were baked under the sun, and i was sporting this really good tan, and then we're off to the turquoise waters of the south china sea. yey! tssss.

in the evening, we strolled by the beach where i made shout-outs on the sand. it will be washed away by the high tides in the morning, but the memories will stay for sure (remember, everything i write gets everyone buzzing...).

then morning come, our usual breakfast fix (and by usual i mean.. USUAL). then we're off to the waters again! we had banana boat rides, water games, and some lovin... hehe ;p

before we knew it, we were packing our bags, leaving the cove (our room is as trashed as garbage could get. that's what you get when you put five crazy guys in a room and some girls haha) then we went straight to tagaytay where we shopped for pasalubong before we went home. we ate dinner at a burger strip on the outskirts of the city (i had mushroom burger and cucumbers) then back to the bus again for pictures and stuff, some traffic at the SLEX, and then we were back to our old office building, all tanned and still smelling salty and sandy.

ahhh. i love summer. the smell of sun-baked skin and hair seems so perfect for me. it's like ambrosia.
-l'ete me manquera-