whew!early this morning, i made a breakthrough by hanging out with one of the conyoest groups in econ. i ate breakfast at mcdo with nicci, jules, mike, anna, and jo. they're kind enough to let me eat all of my longganisa with rice. they even ate some of my fries - i thought they dont eat oily food. but if they do, they wouldn't have been in mcdo in the first place. blimme.just been to phan for the filmviewing in psych. man there was this jerk behind me who was so into the movie i wanted to beat the hell out of her. wirdo! she was screamin and sighing aloud - she's irritating. the rest of us thought so.then now, its just now that i realized how my back is aching. arghhh, stupid volleyball.zzzzZZZZ-viewed-
Blug!hey, i have a new confidante!! a while ago, len and i were chatting, and i asked her if she would be my confidante, and she said yes... good isn't it? at least now, i can share my secrets to someone. and she can do the same to me... yey!i still have to work on my next feature article for sidhi... gotta go!-confident-
whew!watched uaap game between UP and Ateneo. it was my first time to watch a basketball game live. Unfortunately, UP lost by 10 points. it's a shame, with all our shouting, and sweat, and effort, lah. UP will be matched agains FEU in its next game, and i think this match will shoo UP away from the final four. well, at least we tried.haay. im so tired. i need some sleep... zzzzZZZZ...

something's inside my eye and i can't get it off... arghhh!!! my eye is as red as cherry. tomorrow, we watch the basketball game between UP and ADMU. i hope UP wins!!-hoping-
im happy, i'm happy happy happy. haay, it feels good to be happy... it feels good to be alive haay...-happy-
whoa! i can't believe i lost my virginity over night... went to lipa yesterday. the moment i got there, elder bro set up this barikan and i was forced to drink gran matador with him and his friend ely. geez, i'm starting to get addicted to liquor. fortunately, ate rica (cuz) invited me to have the night out at big ben. i was beginning to get tipsy then. so we went to big ben, but we fetched rary from his house first. then we went to big ben. and it was awesome! i didn't know there were bars behind the commercial building. funny lah, i spent the night with my cuzins who were the most conotic of my kin. kuya romer, who just came back from america talked me about staying in his condominium near crame. kuya romer was planning to construct a bar in lipa and he will call it The Red Roof... so after drinking granma, me and my cuzins drowned ourselves in san mig light. ate yeye and kuya boyet were very silent creatures. but they were game in the drinking. shiaz, i thought i'm gonna lose it, but fortunately, the onion rings kept me awake. the calamares tasted like preservatives. then a lot of things happened, like a short circuit, electrical block-out, etc. etc. the next thing i remember, we were at ricsh cafe and i was drinking hot chocolate and we were talking about the layout of the bar that kuya romer was planning to build. yeah. i hope he can balance his time coz he's maintaining a prospering internet-providing business and a chicken-specializing store at break-even. that was the single moment that i felt wobbly because of liquor. jesus... i was thankful that i didn't get drunk in the midst of my cuzins... i was the youngest by the way. the next morning, i was itching all over - yeah, i had allergies. oh poor me. but the allergies are nothing compared to my experiences yesternight... when we got home, it was already 2 in the morning, and elder bro is still on the barikan with his new recruits - kuya paolo's classmates from women's university. haha funny, one guy had dreads and everyone around him seemed perplexed and violated because of it. yeah. anyhows, i joined in, drank some more, before retiring to bed. man, it was one hell of an evening.-tipsy-
Bluguug!!me's classes tomorrow! gots nothing to do until 2 pm because we will have a volleyball tune-up in preparation to the tournament on saturday. it's an inter-organization tournament and i was chosen to be part of the 6 players for our ecosoc. yeba! go me!but until tomorrow, there's nothing in my schedule. i missed the gimik of my high school friends though. maybe they're looking at the sunset now at baywalk. hay, if it were not for the things i did this afternoon... anyways, tomorrow, i'll rest, eat and eat and sleep and talk in the phone. and oh, i'm loving our phone...
telebabad with len
telebabad pa dini'm beginning to fall in love with the telephone. haha! i wish i had the numbers of my classmates in manila so i can call them. i especially want danazart's number so i can bug him every now and then. maybe they're having their finals now, coz in lasal, everything seems upbeat. blah blah...sino kaya sunod kong katelebabad?more photos:
whoa! are we on this picture??
ernie and oscar... tin's pets...
i think ernie's eyes are mysterious. i caught him looking at me when he was hanging on tin's bag... weird. argghh, i miss my highschool buds. i hope they can ring my phone or something... well, i've gotta get a life. but i need sleep first. i'm barely awake... bye!!-sleepy-
ROOOAAAARRR!!if it wasn't for the two lovebirds at our unit, i would have been sleeping by now.i wonder if they're still in their pseudo-courting ritual. gurl brought home cold food and cake and she was like: "keneth, gusto mo?" is said no, then "**** oh, for you..." with a matching flutter of the eyelash. yeah. the gurl is irritatingly head over heels over my roommate who was for God's sake already in a relationship with someone else. o i am raising the ruckus. but the point here is i am getting pissed having to watch the way they engage into a hey-boy-is-cute-and-gurl-drops-panties-to-get-his-attention flirting. sometimes i actually think they don't know i existed. and she was all praises to him, even though what he did passed for THE BEST DUMMY to no, i'm not jealous... i'm infuriated. and irritated because they're invading the unit and my personal here i am fighting narcolepsy, stooping at the monitor of the cybercaf to keep me awake until the pesky flirt goes home to her yaya.but i have to compose myself... breathe breathe!there was a sudden electrical interruption a while ago because something exploded in the near distance. i wonder what it was...wish list:-bluetooth device-car (helo?)-combo drive-256mb ddr-ram-best friend-devil's cake-class interruption-new boxers-new t-shirtsi can't come to my hs friends' gimik. damn gots lots to do. i really regret it.vball tournament on saturday which means i can't go home to batangas. so it's like wasting the qc day, coz they called classes off, but still i'll be staying here in qc because the game is on saturday and qc day is on friday... huhu poor me.i think my crush in econ102 already has a boyfriend. aww...hey, i thought i'm having a crush on melissa - classmate in geog1... haha guess what, i tried to flirt with her this morning and to my utter disappointment - she has a boyfriend. oh. the pretty gurls on campus are being shot down one by one. when will i get my share?well, who the hell cares. i'm not interested anymore. i had some emo time yesternight and i thought that having no gurlfriend is not really bad at all. besides, no one thinks i'm cute in the first place (except for angie from ecosoc who thought i was cute and i liked her for that...). uff, nuf of this.i'm on the verge of complaining to my hs classmates for putting on me the burden of collecting the monthly class fund. shiaz, i'm so not good in money matters.that's why i'm planning to give up econ and shift to another course where i'll be able to pursue my medical calling...yeah, go me!haay, i wish i was as handsome as the commercial models... i wonder how easy it is for them to hook up with a gurl.but of course most of them are gay.huff... this is the point where my thoughts are so random that i have no option but to log out to prevent myself from losing IT.bye!next time i'll post my photos...-me-
blug! nothin much to do. i have exam tomorrow though but i haven't studied yet and i'm not planning to. it's socio10, my very articulate semi-gay teacher told us that we shouldn't memorize anything. i don't believe him though, coz he's not true to his words. we've tested it. anyways, i'm using jejo's laptop now and typing is fun. the keyboards of laptops feel good under the fingertip. hmmm. haha, today was the first day i ever wrote at ecosoc's member's logbook. i wonder how they gonna respond. hmmmm. yesteryesternight len called me at house and it was very late in the evening so i told her that i'm sleepy and maybe we could talk later. well, i think she yelled at me because i'm such an ass. no really i was sleepy. so yesternight i called len and i talked to her. well, i thought she's gonna open things up, ya know, things you reveal when the clock says it's 11:30 in the evening. but she didn't. oh well. i think len is the one person who will never ever love somebody. i think she's incapable of loving... she always turns boys down. i think len prefers to grow old alone than cuddle beside a husband and whisper in the ears and talk about better days and kiss and kiss and kiss... oh poor her. well it's her. and oh, i talked to nina too. and she was intriguing. questions are very probing, i thought i was talking to boy abunda. hmmm... actually nina and linnie were talking about me and someone and they thought we were into something haha funny. well, there's nothing - and to nina "i don't have a crush on ***. she's not even affectionate." hu's angie by the way? nina told me angie says i'm cute... yey! finally, someone thought i'm cute. cool... hmmm... i'm beginning to think that my crush in my econ102 is flirting with me. yeah, in my dreams. ayen was in a good mood today. good for her. good for us! everytime she's not in the good mood, everything around seems dull and gloom and not in place. all because of ayen - and her bubbly character. uh-oh, my computer's firewall detected a virus. grr... gotta kill it! i haven't called linnie yet. and carla. i have a ym account now. all i have to do is publish my id so everyone can add me. go me! *let me go - 3 doors down* i think giving us copies of the class directory in psych101 is not a good idea. everybody is texting me now of whatever and i don't even know them. first someone named lala bugged my sleep and asked if we have class. duh - i said yeah. then someone named rio and a lot more keeps texting me and asking me questions about class like i'm their only classmate. grrr... bakit naman sa lahat pa ng tao ako pa pagtatanungan? hmmm... what else? well, i guess that's it. i have to expand my crush list pa. if ayen has lots of them, maybe i can gain some more too! go me!-infatuation-
Yehey!! I'm back!!Huff, finally i can get some rest. a lot of things went on the past two weeks and me can bearly breathe. good thing major exams are through. flunked one though. oh well, life is cruel too.hey torian! house has a lot of improvements... jejo, my cousin and roommate, received his "gift" from tito ed from the united states. the gift was actually a laptop, so now he has a laptop, and it's cool. i like one too though... but i have my personal computer so i won't bother bugging my mum about it. anyways, then the telephone line was installed last tuesday!! yeee!! so now i can bug ayen's unit every once and a while. haha go me lar!then the tv was connected to sky cable!! yey! finally, jejo gets his first taste of cable tv. i didn't know sky cable has a channel 105... lipa catv only reaches channel there you go, a brand new unit equipped with whatverthings... haha! and oh by the way, i'm at our unit, and i'm connected to the internet now, and i don't have to go the cybercaf to blog. yipee!!go us!hey, i wanna buy a combo burner so i can burn cds and play dvd's with one cd-rom. jejo is planning to buy a bluetooth device so we can transfer photos from cellphones to the computer. but that'll have to wait, he said... yeah.
as for now, i should tend to my wounded leg. a lot of insect bites dotted it.oh.. ha, i had a very funny experience at the department of sociology. really funny.but i'll expound next time. i have to sleep pa, my mental faculty is deteriorating because i lack some sleep. so... gudnyt!i'm boarding Sweetdreams Airlines, and i'm going to a place called Dreamland...haha lah.-yeey-
exams are over... finally. now i can rest. have to write my reaction paper though. still no rest. gots to finish it by tomorrow.just went home from play in UP. St. Louis loves dem filipinos was good. floy quintos was there...i miss my blog. i have to breathe!bye!-pimpled-
haay!!Micro exam is done. thank god. i failed it though - dummy me, i dunno how to plot indifference curves. then early this morning was my exam in psych101. it was ok.i have a new crush. pursuing my old crush is worthless. she's new crush always wears spaghetti straps. yummy! and she looks healthy, and she's very kind. she offered me her stapler. gosh...*blushing*but she called me kapatid... she was like: "naghahanap ka ng stapler? eto oh kapatid..."!there's more than that! i saw a twinkle in her eyes when i sat in front of her. yes... and she touched the back of her ears. psych teacher told us that when you touched the back of your ears when you are talking to someone or just looking at someone, you are attracted to him/her. haha.oh well.gotta eat. i hope telephone gets installed as soon as possible. can't wait to call my new hair always gets attention.i always get attention anyways, even before i had my haircut. do they think i'm weird?? is there something wrong with my face? why do they always stare?i'll leave that for now. i'm getting some sleep because i lost a few the way, downy hair is growing below my navel! it looks cool, like the models of guess and lee..i'm a grown up man! yey!till next time!-exhausted-