Tiresome Wednesday
usually, in UP, our wednesdays are considered rest days; mondays and tuesdays can really wear you down easily. i actually allotted this wednesday for some laid-back activity at school; a thesis-writing seminar was to be held at ten and i decided id attend. i'd be able to go home after that then and have some nap. well unfortunately it didn't go too laid-back because:
the thesis-writing seminar overexercised my brain muscles too early (the speaker started talking about fourier waves and business cycle crystals, i was stomped) so i was tired by the end of it. mentally jotting down notes and everything can really make you go "i need coffee...". well at the end of it only one fact remained clearest in my head: thesis-writing drains the shit out of you.
after that me, tin, and dale ate out at flaming wings. dale gave us a very intensive crash course on stocks and stocks management. it's a pretty risky business you know, and even though i am as interested as anybody else to engage in stocks, i dunno if i have enough will power to invest my money in some abstract financial instrument. i dont have very good decision-making skills yet, so i still have to watch tin do it before i do it myself. besides, the stock market is too complicated for me. hopefully my money and banking class will teach me enough knowledge so that when i graduate, i would eventually be a player in the stock market.
anyways, at the end of dale's long tutorial, i was not so lucid in the head so i failed to appreciate things properly afterwards. but the chicken in flaming wings were great. the sauces are even greater.
to add to the stress, rain started pouring before we could find a cab going back to UP. umbrella's up, we hailed a cab, while still immersed in some stocks-induced bitter-sweet euphoria (?) of some sort. it was mind-boggling i tell you.
we arrived at SE in time for our next mental endeavor - a finance and marketing seminar for orgs and councils. man. we were bangag by the time the second speaker started talking. we had to leave early otherwise i would not have the capacity to do tomorrow's lessons (good thing i dont have PI tom.).

*not so tired-looking huh?
hay hay, it was very very tiring. when you are mentally tired, everything else in you is tired too. your body, your emotions, your spirit... tired. after the very long thinking process that i went to the whole day, i figured i need to get the stress out of my system so i met up with pie and we went to trinoma to unwind.
gahd it's so beautiful there, with the off-creme theme and the magnificent architecture of the mall... man, it is superior. and oh, starbucks! man. you gotta love it. with the mist sprayers and the greenings and all. hmmm i like. pie and i promised that one day we will visit trinoma as it opens in the morning, so we could savor the very nice ambience in starbucks. you should really experience it.
tin ----> you're gonna love it there!
anyways, after wondering around, pie and i ate burgers and onion rings at brother burger. pie says it tastes almost like wham burgers, but i haven't tried wham burgers yet so i dont really know. after eating, we went to this japanese everything-at-88-pesos store where i bought a mop (ive been looking for a cheap one since last week but all i found was a 120 pesos soft-toothed broom at gateway.). anyways, it was kind of awkward bringing the mop while i commuted, but the heck, i still brought home a very cheap article so its ok.

hmmm.. thata! im really tired now so im going to sleep early if i can. til tomorrow!